The MTS-ESP Suite is a system for dynamic microtuning in a DAW environment. Change the tuning of a composition as and when you want, it's easy!

Introducing the MTS-ESP Suite

  • Tuning Systems

    Import, compare and freely edit existing tuning files, or define tuning systems using one of the in-built algorithms. Switch tuning systems on-the fly with automation or MIDI control.

  • Macro Controls

    A set of controls for modifying and morphing tuning in real-time. Use them to dynamically change tuning during a composition with automation, or to modify existing scales to create new ones.

  • Graphs

    Get a more detailed view of a tuning system. Compare and edit via either a linear or circular style graph, with reference to a logarithmic scale, harmonics or another tuning system.

What is MTS-ESP?

  • MTS-ESP is a technology that allows DAW plug-ins to communicate tuning information.

    It enables the tuning of all plug-ins in a session to be controlled simultaneously from a single Master plug-in, which sends tuning information to the system.

  • Plug-ins that support MTS-ESP connect and follow the tuning from the Master plug-in, updating in real-time, even whilst notes are held.

    Connection is automatic and invisible, with no setup required.

  • The MTS-ESP MIDI Client plug-in uses MIDI to extend the retuning possibilities of MTS-ESP to hardware MIDI devices and any plug-ins that don't support MTS-ESP.

    Synths that support MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) or the MIDI Tuning Standard (MTS) work particularly well.

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