MTS-ESP Mini 1.11 Beta 2024-01-31 - Fix UI crash in Max/MSP and Max for Live. - Fix UI crash in Logic on Intel Macs. --- MTS-ESP Mini 1.11 - Add AAX Apple Silicon support. --- MTS-ESP Mini 1.10 - Fix VST3 bundle structure for architecture on Windows. --- MTS-ESP Mini 1.09 - Fix crash when moving between insert slots in Logic. - Fix UI positioning in Reaper when window size is smaller than plug-in UI size. - Migrate to VST3 bundle structure and ensure VST3 version can replace VST2 if no longer supported by the host. --- MTS-ESP Mini 1.08 - Multichannel fixes. - Add option to select whether plug-in listens for MTS SysEx messages or not. - Fix installer for 32 bit Windows. --- MTS-ESP Mini 1.07 - Add support for receiving and loading MIDI Tuning Standard (MTS) SysEx. - Add internal synth. - Add support for multi-channel .kbm files. - Add support for TUN multiple scale files. - Improved support for TUN [Mapping] section. --- MTS-ESP Mini 1.06 - Fix broken mapping with .scl import. - Reset MTS library to 12-TET on instantiating. --- MTS-ESP Mini 1.05 - Support linear .kbm files when loading .scl and .kbm together. --- MTS-ESP Mini 1.04 - Don't update MTS-ESP tuning if session loaded with bypass automated on. --- MTS-ESP Mini 1.03 - IPC support for MTS-ESP. -- MTS-ESP Mini 1.02 - Relocate MTS-ESP library to Common Files folder on Windows. -- MTS-ESP Mini 1.01 - Fox connection info disappearing.